Senior Staff


The backbone of our camp ministry, senior staff are charged with forming relationships with their campers and creating an atmosphere conducive to rest and growth. Each senior staffer receives a weekly stipend and is required to spend at least two weeks in their role on campus + training. Senior staffer must be at least 18 years old and have completed high school. All senior staff must be able to travel to Coldstream for required dates.


Our Senior Staffers Are...

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Senior staffers work in teams of 2-4 staff per cabin, providing spiritual leadership, a safe, fun environment, and room for campers to grow and try new things. The senior staff position also entails significant involvement in creating the daily schedule, teaching Bible seminars, and leading electives. Senior counselors set the standard for all other staff and work closely with the Youth Camps Director and Intern to make each week of camp fun, safe, and educational. All of our senior staff also undergo training in CPR and First Aid certification during training.



Each staffer works with a cabin of 6-12 campers, making relational growth their first priority. Senior staff spend all their time with their campers- meals, devotions, games, and chapel! Staffers are encouraged to pour in to their campers and show them the love of Christ as tangibly as possible: through service, words of affirmation, and quality time. Many campers return year after year simply to continue the relationship with their special counselor! 



Above all, senior staffers commit themselves wholeheartedly to the transformational Gospel of Christ, and should expect to be changed just as much as the campers they serve. "But whoever would be great among you must be your servant and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:27-28).